If you could bend the ear of a speaker manufacturer...

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Posted by Duke [ ] on July 01, 2006 at 16:56:19:

Suppose you could tell a speaker manufacturer what you would like to see him build. Assuming that the laws of physics can't be bent (except by the marketing department), and assuming that at the end of the day the manufacturer still has to make his nickel, what's not out there yet that you'd like to see?

For example, I don't think the world is in need of another 6" two-way minimonitor. But maybe there's a niche for something like a fairly small speaker that combines good dynamics and up-against-the-wall placement with a very wide sweet spot (and no, that doesn't describe anything I'm currently working on).

One niche that I am going to try to fill is a subwoofer that integrates well with Maggies. Most Maggie owners at one time or another want more bass so they buy a subwoofer, but eventually most end up preferring the overall presentation without the sub.

Now I'm not making any promises that I or any other manufacturer will actually build what you suggest, but it could happen!

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