Re: Stoetkit - Thinkin' out loud

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Posted by matth [ ] on March 09, 2005 at 19:00:46:

In Reply to: Stoetkit - Thinkin' out loud posted by Wayne Parham on March 05, 2005 at 04:02:00:

Keep up the posts on what your doing with the Stoetkit!

Have you considered the Philips, Svetlana or Mullard? I am also curious if you are getting matched tubes for? I would think this could make a difference and was planning on spending the extra few bucks to get them matched.

Also, are you sure the tubes that came with the amp are RFT? The reason I ask is that the website has available replacement tubes. They are listed as "Sovtek, ECL82, 4 needed , 52,00 per matched quad". I would think they would ship with the kit the same tubes they offer as replacements. I know I could not figure out the mfg. of the tubes that came with the kit.

I'm glad you trying stuff out with the kit and letting us know whats up.


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