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Your search for 1/4λ found the following documents (of 61488 documents searched):
Displaying documents 21-30 of 53, with best matches first:

21. HighEfficiencySpeakers Forum - Re: Pattern control and mouth size - Wayne Parham, February 09,...
Most things with wave interactions aren't firm "brick wall" things, but are more fluid than that. What I mean is, the 1/4λ...
22. HighEfficiencySpeakers Forum - Re: A fact - Wayne Parham, December 22, 2005 at 09:38:57
One good solution for making a wider coverage angle is to splay two axisymmetric horns. Another solution is to use a radial...
23. HighEfficiencySpeakers Forum - Re: Pattern control and mouth size - Wayne Parham, February 09,...
 Arraying horns, or any sound source for that matter, presents potential combing issues. If sound sources are further than...
24. HighEfficiencySpeakers Forum - Re: Multiple subs and reverb? - Wayne Parham, August 30, 2007 at...
 There's a thread about this in the Room Acoustics forum, called "Computer Simulation of Room Acoustics." If the subs are...
25. HighEfficiencySpeakers Forum - Re: The Movement of Waves and Particles - Wayne Parham, March 01,...
 An omnidirectional sound source spreads as a sphere. When constrained, it spreads as a partial sphere. For example, sound...
26. PiSpeakers Forum - Re: pi seven crosover freq. - Wayne Parham, April 16, 2008 at 13:10:57
 Crossover frequencies are 250Hz and 1.6kHz. But the midhorn/woofer crossover has wide overlap, so the midhorn really goes...
27. PiSpeakers Forum - seven π cornerhorn - Wayne Parham, December 03, 2007 at 10:01:38
 You might be able to use it as a bass bin for a seven π cornerhorn. I'm not sure how it sounds above 100Hz though, so it...
28. PiSpeakers Forum - Re: Studio 2 Tower -- Theater 3 hybrid experiment - Wayne Parham, March 17,...
Since you're essentially doing what some call a 2.5-way system, the crossover between woofer and midwoofer isn't critical. The...
29. PiSpeakers Forum - Re: subs for small auditorium - Wayne Parham, October 03, 2007 at 14:15:59
 A couple of subs come to mind: the three π and the four π subwoofer. The three π sub is a 12" woofer in a vented box and...
30. PiSpeakers Forum - Re: Theater Seven Pi Question. - Wayne Parham, October 28, 2007 at 21:13:46
 You don't want to do that. The midhorn needs to sit squarely on top of the bass bin for several important reasons. The...

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