Re: pi seven crosover freq.

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Posted by Wayne Parham [ ] on April 16, 2008 at 13:10:57:

In Reply to: pi seven crosover freq. posted by Wayne-o on April 15, 2008 at 01:26:31:

Crossover frequencies are 250Hz and 1.6kHz. But the midhorn/woofer crossover has wide overlap, so the midhorn really goes down to about 150Hz and the woofer and midrange share the lowest midrange octave. They're within 1/4λ so they sum as a single acoustic source. The midrange/tweeter crossover is also not really something that can be described with a single number because the crossover is asymmetrical, depending as much on acoustical slope as electrical. Midrange/tweeter crossover happens between 1.2kHz and 1.6kHz.


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