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Your search for wish* found the following documents (of 61488 documents searched):
Displaying documents 841-850 of 897, with best matches first:

841. AudioKinesis Forum - Re: Measurements - Duke, June 05, 2008 at 23:33:23
A solid state amplifier will perform as predicted by a loudspeaker modelling program into that 130 ohm peak. So, it's not...
842. HomeTheater Forum - Re: HT update - Wayne Parham, April 17, 2006 at 14:33:33
I know what you mean. Nothing better than a good high-efficiency loudspeaker system and quality amplification! Every time I go...
843. Craftsmen Forum - Bill and Bill... - gonefishin, August 31, 2005 at 14:25:42
I told you I'd let you know when the Altecs were done. Well, they're finally done The picture is quite you may have...
844. ArraySpeakers Forum - Re: BG Neo10 tests, but not available to the public - Aaron D, April 28,...
Grumpy, I can follow your logic but I don't think that's the case. Rick has his own forum and website if he felt compelled to...
845. ArraySpeakers Forum - Re: DEX2496 or DCX2496 - thylantyr, May 12, 2007 at 12:28:31
I've read just about every thread on the DCX, the DIYA forum, Yahoo groups, people are going 'mod crazy' on this thing as if it...
846. General Forum - In defence of the poor haute audio critic - abajaj11, May 23, 2004 at 00:37:39
lThought it would be nice to add a post in the defence of the much aligned audiophilic critic: they are in my opinion, people...
847. MoviesAndMusic Forum - Blockbuster - Russellc, March 28, 2005 at 23:02:28
Good lord, Now that I recently joined blockbuster, I see the posts from a week or to ago concerning their "No late fee" deal....
848. ArraySpeakers Forum - Re: Symetrical Array (and crossover issues...) Griffen? Craig? - Greggo,...
Hey Duke, thanks for posting. I am a big fan by the way, of your products and your gracious posts on various forums that bring...
849. ArraySpeakers Forum - Re: And now for something a bit more realistic - Greggo, July 06, 2006 at...
Jim, Thanks for the thoughtfull reply. I need to re-read your paper as I thought the line length issues at the frequencies I...
850. Turntable Forum - Re: How much are your records worth? - Russellc, April 23, 2005 at 20:20:45
They are either flac or shorten files and sometimes video files. There are all sorts of sights out there for bit torrents that...

Documents 841-850 of 897 displayed.

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