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Posted by Russellc [ ] on March 28, 2005 at 23:02:28:

Good lord, Now that I recently joined blockbuster, I see the posts from a week or to ago concerning their "No late fee" deal. what a total rip off. I am reporting this one to the attorney general of this state anyway. After keeping it past the date not only do they charge you for the video, but even stranger, they immediately offered a "refund" upon my bringing the videos back....but here's the real slime...they charge a "restocking fee". This is deceptive as it gets, they're just calling it something else and using it as a spring board for advertising. I'm done with them, my videos will come from the other mom and pop operations. At least they call it what it is, A "late fee", which I don't mind paying because you're told up front about it, not deluded into thinking you can keep it longer only to find out you either bought it outright, or get refunded and charged a restocking fee. Their ridiculous letter states something to the effect that " since you kept it longer than the agreed period, they assume you wanted to purchase it"........what a load! No one mentioned anything about this forced purchase stuff, let alone the "restocking fee" when you sign up, just that if you want it a few more days, go ahead. If you must deal with this business, keep it to the last day, then call them and inform them you wish to take them up on their offer to keep it A FEW MORE DAYS, and see what they say. If they say they can't do it with out the forced purchase, call your state attorney generals office and report it. I really do not think they would say this, I,m sure they would agree. If they say OK and still charge your card, I believe they have violated the law by using your credit card unlawfully, since you called and manifested an intent to use their "keep it a few more days with no late fee" deal and an intent NOT to purchase it. I'm certain this is the loophole that makes this deal legal, but no one at my particular store said anything about calling untill I was down there ready to go off. I can not imagine anyone would fall for this if told up front. what is objectionable is the fact they entice you into a situation of having to pay a restocking fee by leading you to believe you won't have to pay a late fee. This ploy may have got a few people to sign up for now, but in the long run people will of course see what the real deal is and hopfully go elsewhere.

Okay, I'm all done now,


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