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Your search for Svetlana, Светлана found the following documents (of 61488 documents searched):
Displaying documents 51-60 of 60, with best matches first:

51. GroupBuild Forum - me too - Tnuctipun, April 18, 2005 at 20:13:16
you know I hate this level of required activity. I shudder( sometimes ) to consider what full time work will be like again......
52. Turntable Forum - Re: Right on: and send me those stinkin' albums - Bill Epstein, September 27,...
If it was anybody else I'd make you wait for the review They're parallel push-pull with pre-driver and driver, Svetlana...
53. Tubes Forum - Re: Ламповый Завод "Светлана" - metasonix, May 26,...
Where did you get this tape?? I never saw much historical info when I worked there. Don't speak much Russian, sorry. Could get...
54. GroupBuild Forum - Favorite output circuit - Damir, December 23, 2004 at 15:39:35
Well, I didn`t try them all, of course. The last 5 years I listen to the music through my DIY monoblocks (PPP, 4xEL34 or 5881...
55. FSAudio Forum - Stoetkit - Thinkin' out loud - Wayne Parham, March 05, 2005 at 04:02:00
My lil Stoetkit always amazes me. I just love that little amp. I have several amplifiers, but I find myself drawn to the...
56. GroupBuild Forum - autoformer Iron? - Tnuctipun, January 30, 2005 at 10:17:41
please elaborate on the autoformer Iron 'thing'. Sounds like parafeed would be required to keep the speaker isolated from B+. I...
57. Tubes Forum - Re: Glossary - Thermionic, September 19, 2004 at 05:19:48
Eric, thanks for your input! Allow me to explain some things. Most "beamie tubes" I see nowadays that are classified as...
58. Tubes Forum - Re: SED/Wing-C - SteveBrown, September 14, 2006 at 11:40:45
FWIW, I love EL34's but I tried a quad of EH not long ago and was really disappointed. Not sure they don't just need more time...
59. Tubes Forum - Re: Looking for tube advice - Wayne Parham, January 30, 2006 at 21:54:09
Check with Aki at BOI Audioworks. He has a bunch of 'em and they're inexpensive so you can try a few and see which ones you...
60. GroupBuild Forum - Re: SE 300B Project, Part 13 - The finished amp - Damir, July 03, 2006 at...
Hey, thanks...I also worked on high temperature and humidity...huh. The whole saturday afternoon and evening I drilled over 300...

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