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Your search for wish* found the following documents (of 61488 documents searched):
Displaying documents 351-360 of 897, with best matches first:

351. General Forum - sharing info - manualblock, August 05, 2004 at 20:00:17
It's nice to have the tremendous amount of information on the web unfortunately you can't take it into the john to read. We...
352. GroupBuild Forum - Re: Carbon comp vs carbon as grid stoppers - Tnuctipun, March 09, 2005 at...
I have built with both, and forty2wo( I think) built w/o. It is supposed to be an electrical shock absorber, putting in...
353. ArraySpeakers Forum - Re: I wish I could help.... - Marlboro, January 03, 2008 at 11:53:01
Remember that to have a line array you have to have it coupled with the ceiling and floor. This means that you need to have the...
354. ArraySpeakers Forum - I wish I could help.... - marlboro, January 02, 2008 at 22:00:58
You have a lot of parts. I'm not sure how they will all fit together. When I built my system I studied lots of stuff for almost...
355. ArraySpeakers Forum - Answers on Array Wiring - Jim Griffin, August 16, 2004 at 20:18:09
Paul, I'll try to answer your comments/questions below. If you haven't downloaded and read my white paper you really need to do...
356. MoviesAndMusic Forum - Re: internet radio - Melissa Parham, April 08, 2007 at 21:40:53
Hello Duke, we are learning as we go, and I have copied information from live365 (below) so you can better understand. Melissa...
357. Dungeon Forum - misuse of trademarks - MQracing, December 22, 2005 at 12:30:19
Damir wrote: ::::He thinks that he have right to say that his OPT is modified old S265Q "Peerless" design,:::: There was a long...
358. Pi Speaker Forum - Re: 4 Pi picture - frankmalz, April 21, 2002 at 03:19:42
Re: 4 Pi picture Wow, what model of horn have you cloned? Very nice job! Are there any more information about construction and...
359. Pi Speaker Forum - Crossovers and phase shifts - Wayne Parham, March 24, 2001 at 02:38:53
Crossovers and phase shifts There seems to be some confusion about how much phase shift is caused by crossovers, and also about...
360. Pi Speaker Forum - Re: kewpee burgers & never enough beer - Wayne Parham, March 30, 2002 at...
Re: kewpee burgers & never enough beer Thanks for your impressions. I can tell you're still psyched! Sounds like it was a...

Documents 351-360 of 897 displayed.

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