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Posted by manualblock [ ] on August 05, 2004 at 20:00:17:

It's nice to have the tremendous amount of information on the web unfortunately you can't take it into the john to read. We need to keep these print media working. AudioeXpress serves a great function in bringing all aspects and skill levels pertaining to our thing together in one pakage. V.T.V., by virtue of existing in a permanent print media stands to provide the most comprehensive bible of tube electronics ever produced. The fact that they choose to comitt to print establishes their integrity since all facts are hanging right there in the open for all to challenge as they wish. I for one feel comfortable acting on information obtained in there and the deep comittment to thorough and accurate tube data provides all of us with valuable and exhaustive tools with which to learn and design.
So keep up the good work all you print guys. J.R.
The audio rags are great picture books.( Once read in A.S. That an amp had "Caramel Colorations", damn I wish I had thought of that. My amp has butter pecan colorations.)


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