Re: Actual bias vs set bias/antiskate

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on December 05, 2004 at 07:27:42:

In Reply to: Re: Actual bias vs set bias/antiskate posted by Russellc on December 04, 2004 at 19:05:44:

Sounds like you really don't have a problem. That arm is a most likely the old Premier that came with many of the better decks back then. The results you got are pretty much standard for that arm. The Black Widow should be an improvement. I use the HFNRR test record myself and think it does a great job. The Shure gauge is very accurate and should be quite adequate.
I am wondering; the Black Widow is a very low mass arm; what cartridge would you use? I have an Ittok on my table but you know; bearing technology has improved dramatically these last ten years and I am beggining to think that for not a lot of money there are arms out there that are worlds better than our older ones. Even a Rega for 300$ is much better than most Vintage arms. I think I may make the move myself soon.


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