Re: Direct Drive Revisited

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on July 19, 2004 at 14:33:10:

In Reply to: Re: Direct Drive Revisited posted by Wayne Parham on July 18, 2004 at 01:59:45:

Hi Wayne; I must say I am a bit surprised at this post. Let me see if I understand it correctly. Are you saying that DD is a more modern technology and Belt Drive is antiquated? Here is my question. Both technologies have been active for at least 40 yrs. In that time there have been untold no's. of objective and subjective tests done on both iterations. The concepts have been engineered to within an inch of their lives. The ultimate outcome has very clearly favored belt drive as witness the entire field of quality audio committed to belt driven TT. Now the only explanations require that we either accept that the vast majority of people in this hobby have been duped and are victims of audio hype and do not really hear the huge differences in sound quality they claim to hear; and as a result have spent their 2000$ on quality belt driven TT foolishly, since they can get equally good sound from their 200$ DD or their 350$ CD players.

Or we accept that there are many people who need to gratify their own ego's by overspending on worthless "improvements" that aren't there.

Also that TT manufacturers who can produce DD's cheaper than belt drives and stand to make more money by pushing that technology are all in collusion to create an untenable market.

If both methods were equally able to resolve music would there not be some 2000$ DD's out there? This scenario holds true for every other aspect of audio. Each part of the chain has any number of adherents and all can sound great. So how to explain the lack of interest and availability of anything other than DJ tables such as Technics sl 1200?

By disinvalidating the whole concept that TT's can have an impact on sound and that there are very good reasons, of which I won't repeat here, for designing them with belt driven platters do we now pursue that line of reasoning down the chain? Thanks ,J.R.


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