Re: Direct Drive Revisited

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on July 23, 2004 at 10:58:48:

In Reply to: Re: Direct Drive Revisited posted by jason on July 23, 2004 at 09:04:15:

The s-shaped Tonearm from the DP 47 was a good arm for it's time. There are several guys who mounted good arms on the old Technics SP 10 tables with good results. There's a guy by me who mounted a Rega 250 on an SL 1200 and wrote it up in Audio Amateur.

There is an alternative in idler wheel driven tables like the TD 124 or Garrard 301/401 but it all seems like a lot of work and money when you can get a used LP 12 for 650.00$ now or an old Thorens TD 160 and rebuild for a couple of hundred. I A/B'd my Technics SL 3300 with a Grado green on it the other day just for giggles. I listen to it every day since it resides in the basement studio. I have always maintained in this forum that the old Technics tables are a great bargain, especially for newcomers to vinyl who don't want to sink lots of cash into the front end. If you check the archives you will see old posts on this very subject. The arms are weak but servicable and they sound pretty good. But... up hear with the Linn there is no contest. The Linn just plays music while the Technics sounds two dimensional and flat. What can I say? I certainly would rather spend 200$ than 1500$ any day; but then I wouldn't hear Miles Davis sound sooo sweet!


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