Re: Aikido Line Stage

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Posted by 2wo [ ] on May 16, 2006 at 00:28:42:

In Reply to: Re: Aikido Line Stage posted by Wayne Parham on May 13, 2006 at 22:55:07:

I think you will like it. I built one with the boards Bas had made up. I use 6n1p or 6fq7 for the input and 6n6~ for the output.

Everyone who listens to it seem to like it.

I used a cobbled together power supply from bits on hand and when I measured it in response to a post on another board. It is absolutely wretched but yet it still sounds good.

I have another set of boards and a proper transformer some day soon I will see what it sounds like with something like clean DC to power it…John


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