Re: See, here's the thing

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Posted by Mr Vinyl [ ] on October 14, 2005 at 11:59:12:

In Reply to: See, here's the thing posted by wunhuanglo on October 14, 2005 at 11:31:42:

I haven't been duped by anyone. I am not rich. So what your saying is if the we are invaded by another country the US military should station itself out side all the rich peoples houses because they have paid more in taxes?

Fire department exit to put out all fires. They were putting out fires in New Orleans weren't they? Pretty slummy area if you ask me?

The Police departments are protecting all property. Are there no police and fire departments in poor areas? If a poor person calls the police are you saying the don't come? They come just as often for the poor and middle class as they do the rich.

The rich are paying more for cars, boats, marinas and just about everything else they use. Are they not buying the cars, boats, docks to put their boats in, gas, etc. Or are you saying they get these things for free? If they get them for free then you may have a point. However they don't get them for free do they?

Your last statement is pure BS. The rich give more money to charity than you will ever earn. I think they would pay even more if they weren't taxed so high.

No they are not rich because they are Gods chosen people (Is this a crack at Jews?) Most are rich because they got off their ass and worked for a living. They took risks and they busted their ass to get what they have. For the few that inherited their money then someone else busted his ass so his children could have more.


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