See, here's the thing

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Posted by wunhuanglo [ ] on October 14, 2005 at 11:31:42:

In Reply to: To Bill Martinelli - Sorry for this duplicate post but I wanted you to see this analogy. posted by Mr Vinyl on October 14, 2005 at 10:03:48:

If you've been duped by replicanspeak then taxes are a "burden" to be "relieved" - a punishment for being successful so that the leaches on society can lay in their hammocks drinking T-Bird all day.

But in reality taxes are the dues levied for living in the society - the rich pay more not only because they have more but because they use more - do fire departments really exist to put out slum fires or to suppress fires in office building and mansions?
Do we have a standing army to protect Section 8 housing or the vast international investments of the leisure class?
Are the SEC and Federal Reserve really necessary to administer Medicaid?
Whose physical possessions are the police department protecting - the 15 year old TVs in the public housing complexes?
Are we maintaining a vast highway system so bums will have some place to hitchhike?
Coastal development (marinas, ports, etc...) exists so fishermen with cane poles will have a nice backdrop to fish in front of (if they're allowed access to the beach at all)?
Public support of sports complexes is a form of generosity permitting that guy with the stolen grocery cart full of aluminum cans to afford a $200 sideline ticket on Sunday?

When you hear about rich people complaining about taxes it's because their selfish vision of the world is that not only do they deserve what they have eaned or inherited by divine right, but the world should be arranged so that they keep it all too - they feel no obligation to the larger society because the world around them exists only for their convienience and satisfaction.

The funniest part of it is that they're often the most pious self-professed xtians too - after all they're their god's chosen people - that's why they're rich, no?


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