From the IRS

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on October 11, 2005 at 19:34:39:

Taken from IRS report 02inrate ,"Individual Income Tax Returns: Selected Items For Taxpayers With The Top 400 Adjusted Gross Income 1992-2000."
IRS data shows richest 400 Taxpayers each had a taxable income of 151 million. For all other taxpayers the AGI was 34,600.00$ Of the top 400 the total tax paid equaled 27% of their income.
For all the rest total taxes paid; and remmember that includes Federal;State and Local taxes equaled 41% of their income. Thats 41% for the rest and 27% for the wealthy. Thats the income they have to report. There are lots of shelters that evade or defray reporting.
That includes the big portion of payees that have little or no income and pay nothing. Which means the middle-class shoulders an even higher burden than the report shows.
Thats from IRS Data Tax reports of wealthiest individuals.
Lots more where that came from.


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