Re: From the IRS

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Posted by Bill Martinelli [ ] on October 12, 2005 at 20:32:35:

In Reply to: Re: From the IRS posted by manualblock on October 12, 2005 at 19:32:13:

Oh I understand it includes state and local. I'm just used to saying 'all in' or 'landed', simply means tax, title, destination, shipping, duty, drayage or any other conceivable fee.

Of course the wealthiest people will pay more taxes and their tax burden combined will also be a major portion of the total income.
lets not forget that 25% of 250k is 62,500 and 25% of 50k is 12,500.
My meaning is anyone who earns 250K will pay more in taxes than the person who earned 50k grossed. Even at a rate so small as 20%... and boy oh boy wouldn’t we all like to pay 20%.

This story holds true across the board. A person earning 1 million will pay more than the same guy who grossed the 250k. And lastly a persson who pays 25% of the lower limit to be in the top 5%, I think 128k is the number Mr. Vinyl mentioned, Will be paying out 32K which is what a lot of hard working people gross.

This isn’t on any web site. Its just simple math. I'm in favor of reducing shelters and other high brow forms of deception and everybody just pay the same rate. I'm all in favor of 'paying' more taxes if I earn more. I'm not in favor of being 'taxed' more if I earn more.

Think about it; have to pay 250,000 in income tax? More money than what 95% of the population will gross! According to your .gov numbers. They only have to pay alms of 25% on an earned 1 million. I say sign me up, where’s the line, how do I get into this pay 250k in taxes because I earned a million.

So then, it’s my sorrowful duty to have to inform you that both my mother and your mother were misinformed. Money does not under any circumstances grow on a tree. It comes from those little machines on the sidewalks everywhere...


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