Re: Wal-Mart Abandons Germany

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on August 01, 2006 at 14:13:23:

In Reply to: Re: Wal-Mart Abandons Germany posted by akhilesh on August 01, 2006 at 13:16:25:

Why they don't add value to society.
Their predatory supply model. Forcing competitors to underbid each other until through monopolistic practice the buyer determines the value; not the manufacturer. If the manufacturer cannot comply with the monopolistic pricing they are effectively driven out of business.
They demand tax incentives as a reward for establishing a position in the community; then abandon that structure as it ages and becomes a community liability.
They drive existing businesses out of the area through monopolistic pricing; then drive wages down and force the existing social structures to provide health care and schooling and sanitation etc; all for nothing since they were already awarded tax relief and as such don't pay.
Thats the big three; they are able to use to destroy competition through laws that are compromised by legislative action favoring large contributors to PACS and because they are central to the Republican push to destroy labor unions and allow illegal labor to undercut wages. If the legal system was properly enforced regarding labor rules and environmental laws and laws abridging monopolistic practice by our current government they would be forced to compete fairly and as such would have to end their predatory business model.


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