Re: Economic Theory

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Posted by Wayne Parham [ ] on August 13, 2006 at 12:36:32:

In Reply to: Re: Economic Theory posted by manualblock on August 12, 2006 at 21:23:21:

I didn't mean to sound like I was defending Wal-Mart - I wasn't. But ultimately everyone has a choice. Some would consider painful choices to not be choices, but they are. Ultimately, the way to deal with Wal-Mart is to not deal with them, if you don't like the way they do business, don't do business with them.

I think what you would like to see is legislation that makes this happen. I don't know if that's necessary or not, but I do know that I'll not do business with Wal-Mart because it isn't worth it. That's what hundreds of other suppliers have said for the past 25 years or so too. There are other problems with how Wal-Mart enters communities and how they sometimes coerce purchaes of store properties using tactics like eminent domain. Those are all things I've heard about Wal-Mart. But I think it all still boils down to telling Wal-Mart to take a hike, and that can be done in a variety of ways.

I hate being in "David and Goliath" positions; It can be so frustrating. I'm sure some of the positions individuals and small companies have found themselves in with Wal-Mart have been very uncomfortable and unfair. Some aren't as easy to do as just turning and walking away. But that is the answer for many Wal-Mart vendors.


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