Re: Anyone know anything about the SAT's?

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Posted by Shane [ ] on May 20, 2006 at 17:25:26:

In Reply to: Re: Anyone know anything about the SAT's? posted by manualblock on May 20, 2006 at 16:08:28:

Which nightmare? College, girls, lack of money for my fledgling audio habit! We definitely don't make much money, so good grades and test scores are his hope. He's not into sports at all except playing a little basketball now and then. He like to ride his bicycle a lot and I attribute that to the many years I have ridden a road bike. All except this year because I just can't seem to find the time. I've only been out about 6 times since the first of the year.

I'm still paying on my student loan and will be for awhile. Almost all of it went to daycare and having to live off campus. I was lucky in that my ACT scores pretty much helped pay for the school. I went to a private college because of the small classes and dedicated professors. I found that the schooling actually cost me less after scholarships and whatnot than going to a state school would have. They tend to have more money to offer at the private level if you meet the criteria, which really offsets the costs.

My son probably is in the top 20 of his class as well (about the same size) and got several top awards for science, tech applications, and creativeness applied to both. So he makes me feel stupid at times, but as long as he doesn't make the butthead mistakes I did he's got a real chance for a great future.


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