Re: Anyone know anything about the SAT's?

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on May 20, 2006 at 16:08:28:

In Reply to: Re: Anyone know anything about the SAT's? posted by Shane on May 20, 2006 at 12:30:25:

I never took the SAT's; the story is my High School was closed shortly after I grduated. I was attending college on their good faith because my records were lost. As far as the SAT strategy I am getting some good advice here and elsewhere. Buy as many of the SAT prep books as you can and study all of the tips and tricks they offer. Don't waste money on prep courses unless they are local/have one instructor and very good references. Then also take all of the practice tests offered by the state. That is the advice so far.
Man there is so much at stake here that I get nervous for my son before he even does. He has a good resume and we are not wealthy. He plays two sports/three instruments in Band Jazz and Wind Ensemble and he has a 99.7 average. 17th in a class of 267. I say this to illustrate my concern because he has a shot at a good college and some money but I am naieve in the ways of admissions strategy. I am hearing that the good schools are so damned competitive now that people are going crazy trying to up their potential. 100k now for four years is some kind of row to hoe. You also I see will be experiencing this nightmare soon; no?


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