Re: I'll Take A Stab at Part of This One

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on December 19, 2005 at 10:34:29:

In Reply to: I'll Take A Stab at Part of This One posted by elektratig on December 19, 2005 at 09:36:56:

Geez; what a love-in! How can I refute that?
The precise point of my post; to express my opinion of the current News scene. But please give me this I beg of you; you are a bright guy; doesn't the pandering and condescending simpleminded reports on Fox irritate the hell out of you? Come-on. The repitition and bumper-sticker mentality has to get old and redundant; it just has to.
The New York Times is at least readable by a responsible adult. Your a native New Yorker; can you read the New York Post?
We have to demand of those who use the public airways some accountability and respect. On the internet everyone is so fractionalised that the opinions have no sequential focus; like a two-dimensional figure..they are missing the thought process needed to understand things in the larger sense so therefor they pose no threat because they are so easily manipulated. But the major news organisations need to be held to a higher standard.


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