Re: Law Professor . . .

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on December 20, 2005 at 07:10:23:

In Reply to: Law Professor . . . posted by elektratig on December 20, 2005 at 05:29:19:

Thanks Bud for the link. I find also the Jurist News to be reliable; I can offer a link but you may have it.
Regarding the torture debate; I have considored the different reports available to me. I have decided that it is not going to be an option for me. I must unfortunately remain firmly against the sanctioning of torture in any form by our government. I know the arguments and understand what some think is at stake. But I know that the price is not worth the candle.
But it is an interesting debate witnessing how others feel about policy.
I also see McCain backpedalling slightly; that is sad. He must have recieved so many letters and e-mails from torture supporters that he is fearfull of his carreer.
After seeing the devastation from 9/11 and knowing some of those killed as I am sure you do also; I still can't see how reneging on the purpose of our nations historical legacy will enhance our safety. No amount of spying on the citizens and removing sacred rights and chaining the press would have prevented that event. Hey; the price of liberty is high.


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