Re:Not all pictures are worth a 1000 words - maybe too true!

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Posted by wunhuanglo [ ] on December 06, 2004 at 05:59:32:

In Reply to: Re:Not all pictures are worth a 1000 words posted by Bill Martinelli on December 05, 2004 at 21:48:55:

Thanks, Bill. You inspired a thought.

Interestingly, I measure (and tame with a 31 slot graphic) a 12dB peak at 50Hz. I guess it's more than likely that, given what Wayne said about the unreliability of in-room measurements, that I'm creating the problem.

Maybe that's the issue in and of itself - I thought that by measuring at the nominal "sweet spot" I was doing the best thing possible, but there might be some sort of superposition at that location that has me actually damping the overall bass response.

Guess I have to get a bit more crafty....


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