Re:Not all pictures are worth a 1000 words

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Posted by Bill Martinelli [ ] on December 05, 2004 at 21:48:55:

In Reply to: Trying to understand bass "quality".... posted by wunhuanglo on December 05, 2004 at 09:41:13:

Funny how something can look perfect yet not be. First off check your phase with all the drivers. There may be some kind of cancellation.

Try a sine sweep with a sine wave instead of pink noise. Pink noise will pick up room mode from other frequencies and fool the equipment. a sine tone is single and pure. You can pin point things with more accuracy since what your looing for is more specific in nature.

Like Wayne says, 40-100 hz is the range to be looking in. You might have a room suck out at 50-60hz. Somehting like that could be perceived as lacking.

Just because you have "quality" bass, and not some pumped up 90hz room shacking subwoofer. Doesnt mean you should not be happy. Good bass with low distortion and overtones does not mean you "have to get use to Quality bass" because you have never heard quality bass before!

Try patching in a graphic EQ to see what you need to push around to get the sound you want. Then move to a Parametric EQ if you need to maintain room EQ. you can fine tune lower frequencies and null spots better.

Remember to make any EQ changes and then come back time and again to rethink the settings. More often than not, you push settings around while listening and then bring tham back a click or two later on.

Lastly, all drivers are not created equally and certainly dont sound as such. I have had on more than one occasion a pair of drivers for woofers that look great on paper, plot out perfectly in programs, and to make matters worse actually measure on a FFT analyzer with outstanding performace. But, they just dont have the sound I wanted.
Dull, lifeless and no impact or clarity.

Anyway theres a bunch of stuff to mess with. good luck and dont pull your hair out.



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