41 hz Audio Amp 5 Kit

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Posted by FredT [ ] on December 26, 2005 at 19:06:59:

I asked my kids for one for my birthday in November, and when they gave me something else I ordered it myself. Much of early December was spent cursing the incomplete and ambiguous instructions, but with the help of others on the 41 hz forum I finally got it playing and ready to install in its case by Christmas eve.

Christmas morning waiting for me under the tree was another Amp 5 kit. The kids didn't know I already had one and got it for me for Christmas instead of my birthday. Like I didn't have enough grief building the first one! I also got a digital camera for Christmas, so I decided to document the building of the second kit. This will be ongoing, and you can find it at the link below. It will be too detailed for the casual reader, but hopefully useful for the novice kit builder who has ordered the kit and has the parts spread out on the table in front of him.

The amp 5 specs can be found at http://www.41hz.com/


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