Re: 41 hz Audio Amp 5 Kit

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on January 09, 2006 at 21:15:13:

In Reply to: Re: 41 hz Audio Amp 5 Kit posted by GarMan on January 09, 2006 at 20:15:31:

Well IMHO; the GC is richer and more musical than the T-Amp which I find to be a little grainy on the highs and thin in the bass. But the T-Amp uses the cheap connectors and jacks. I do use the 1.8 amp wall-wart with the T-Amp so it has enough power. The GC uses a pretty good Hammond toriodal transformer and black-gate caps and Riken resistors so maybe that makes a difference. Back to back I like the GC and infact the GC is a really nice sounding amp. Of course the T-Amp is 30$ so for that money it is a good deal.
All-in-all I would spend the 100$ for the GC, it beats out my Carver TFM 35 on the Pi 4's. Much more open sounding. On acoustic bass it is nice and full and goes pretty deep without running out of steam. The GC definately has more balls and plays louder and cleaner at anything over conversation level. I see Brian's site offers the 4886 chip in a kit. That is I believe 65 watts a side and has a real clean output so that might be a good choice. I use the GC with a modded Bottlehead pre and thats a nice cheap combo with the Pi's.
Hope this is helpfull; I just want to stress that the GC as built is a real amp you can listen to for hours and not want to toss it out the window. I listen in the workroom to it for sometimes five six hours at a clip. Mine is the non-inverted circuit. There are some mods they use that supposedly improves on the sound so that is also an option.
One of these days.
I would really like to hear Nelson Pass's Class a amp in last months AudioeXpress. That looks nicely thought out and I like the class a sound.


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