In Reply to: 2 Pi's near a TV posted by Chris R on January 22, 2003 at 18:30:43:
and see if it has an "auto de-gauss" circuit. I had some drivers near the TV for a long while, no problem. Then when I moved them AWAY from the set, big, ugly, SCARY green blotches showed up on each side of the picture! Argg. Fortunately UNPLUGGING the set a few times cleared the problem on it's own.
I suggest "experimenting" when the wife is gone, and have a "back-up plan" if something goes ary, like innocently reminding her, "Well, it WAS out of warranty", maybe we need a new one, and can get this "old, cheap, etc." one repaired for the garage or something, since you hate to throw it out. ADMIT NOTHING!
I've had 20 oz. magnets about 15 inches from another TV with no ill effects, but better to be safe and keep them as far as practical away from the set, hey, you need SOME separation between the front speakers seems you need a HUGE TV to worry about speakers 6 to 8 feet apart being "close to the screen".
Wishing my TV screen was close to MY speakers, which are about 8 feet apart...a 60" wide screen would be sweet:) Sam
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