In Reply to: Survived the move and made a discovery posted by Till E. on December 27, 2002 at 14:29:56:
Hey TillE,
I disconnected the 2418/2373's on my 3677 cabinets and hooked up my Altec 806A/811B's after setting them on top, The 3677 cabinet is not perfectly in line with Wayne's 4-pi pro cabinet, but did you remove the foam from both ports??? It makes a big difference, Sorry, I have to try and defend the JBL 2226 against the vicious onslaught of the attack of the Eminence Delta 15.
Once I had the Altecs on top and tweaked the crossover a little to deal with 16 ohm drivers, sounds very good. Would be tranferring the crossover to my Altec A-8's, but alas, a situation you can relate to, My shower upstairs drained through the kitchen sink pipes and exited on my kitchen floor. 6 am in the morning is not fun time with shop-vac sucking up water from my kitchen floor, this is day 2, I think I am much better working with speakers than plumbing. Tried my second combination of drain cleaners today with not too good success. E-mail me buddy, I need help here. I can't work on speakers until I get this fixed up. Had to move the A-8 cabinets out of the kitchen in a hurry, they look like they did not get hurt too bad from the experience.Regards, Ron
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