Just before I packed evrything away Tues nite, all the neighbors went away, even the Clydesdales upstairs. So naturally, being Christmas eve, I cranked the system on "Cantate Domino" and Handels' "Messiah"; Harnoncourt version on Chesky. In case you're wondering, this is what Jewish audiophiles do every Christmas Eve:)
Played louder and with more realistic dB's than I have in a long time. With the SET 2 watt Paramours on both the Theatre 4's and the 3677S cabs with the 2226J/2618 combo. Didn't strain either one.Besides the magnificent music, I was struck by the airier quality of the PSD2002 on the Theatre's. More of a sense of space; of singers and players performing in a space.Lovely decay of notes held. I was especially listening for cross-over anomalies at these higher levels and could find none. The Soprano on "Silent Night" and especially John Shirley-Quirk's baritone were just gorgeous. The massed choirs on "O Holy Night" and 'The Hallelujah Chorus' had wonderful depth and width of soundstage and what sonority! SATB right there in my living room.
I was ready to be disappointed by playing this system at those levels with that content, but, I was amazed. The poor little 3677 hybrid ran and hid in the corner.
So now there's nothing to be done but build the little 4Pro box and try the PSD2002 with the 3677 with Wayne's crossover and Wayne's box size and Wayne's port!
Waynes the Man!
Oh yeah. Something needs to be written about how much better this system is with Matt Anker's mods to the Sony 775 (SAcdmods.com).Toroidal power supply, Black gates and the output biased into class "A" and the LCAudio clock. Whoa.Talk about inner detail. Talk about shimmering highs and voices and instruments coming from a blacker background! Who makes up these phrases, anyway? And why am I repeating them?
So how was your Christmas?
Follow Ups: