combination stands and subs for 1 pi?

Hi Wayne,

I've got most of my system moved to the new house and have discovered a problem. The listening room has hardwood floors and my current B&W DM 601 speakers are on cheap B&W metal stands with spikes. With this set up I can visibly detect that the speakers rock back and forth a fraction of an inch when the music plays. This is bad. I was going to use these same stands with my 1 pi's and it is obvious that this is a bad idea. I am thinking about building a wood column with the same profile as the 1 pi to use as a stand. I thought I could fill it with sand to add mass and possibly dedicate part of the chamber to house an Alpha 10. What would be the optimal air space for this woofer and the port dia/length? I'll probably biamp the system and use an electronic crossover at around 80Hz xover point.

Thanks for any input.

Eat Mo' Hot Sauce,

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