Hi,This is a great site and am happy to have come across it. Hope to build it better together.
I've been designing and making my own Bass horns for dance clubs and have usually used 15" folded horns but they rarely deliver anything useful below 55 Hz due to size limitations. So for a while i've been looking around for a solution which could give a lower usable freq limit (maybe a t the cost of a li'll efficiency loss). i have traditionally steered clear of 18" drivers for employment in any kinda bass (for dance and new age music reproduction) due to the poor transient response. But to my surprise i heard a set of four Cerwin Vega LR 36 18" subs recently and was surprised with their efficiency as well as the transient response.
I would appreciate if anyone can help me demystify these beautiful machines and or supply me with their plans (SL 36 and LR36B)
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