In Reply to: Re: Foldes Bass Horn plans posted by img on March 22, 2002 at 00:39:09:
Greetings Freddy,Thanks for your interest and taking time out. Your right when you say that a well designed reflex will outperform any practical sized folded horn, thats been my experience too but the reason i'm getting deeper into this whole (kinda endless :-) debate between folded horns and reflex designs is that I have a bit of this transient bug bothering me too much.
Regarding my choice of LF drivers less said the better, i'm in delhi India and the only drivers which have sustained availability and repair kits are the common ones from j.b.l. like 2226H etc. So i'm kinda very limited in my own right. Nevertheless Guess its been a blessing in disguise as due to above i've become adept to designing improvising and custom manufacturing my own LF drivers using a combination of my own basket assemblies and ready stock recone kits!!
Thanks once again for your input.
Best wishes and good luck,
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