Re: Seven Pi-18 or Ten Pi-18

I can give you a few general recommendations:

1. Cornerhorns are appropriate in rooms from 500 sq. feet to 2500 sq. feet where room length and width have not more than a 3-to-1 ratio. This isn't a hard and fast rule, but a generalization.

2. Cornerhorns are appropriate where a room has corners that have at least 3 feet of unobstructed wall space and at least 6 feet of wall space before termination. Termination includes another wall or an entry way. Obstruction includes large absorbent or reflective objects, such as a bed or large couch.

3. Cornerhorns are not appropriate in rooms having rasied hardwood floors. Then again, nothing having reasonable bass output sounds good in a house with raised hardwood floors.

4. Cornerhorns are also not appropriate in rooms having truncated corners, i.e. places where an entryway or other large opening in the wall occurs nearer than three feet from the corner.

5. Cornerhorns may or may not be appropriate in rooms having highly reflective walls, such as basements, concrete or brick walled rooms, and solid hardwood walls like log cabins. Such rooms should be treated with sound absorbent material spaced several inches away from the wall surface.

When the rules listed above are followed, cornerhorns usually perform very well.

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