Seven Pi-18 or Ten Pi-18(long)


I've been sitting on the fence for weeks now, mainly because I'm still in the market for used 18in JBL drivers (2241 or 2242). I have a 23x17x8 family room. I have the plans for the Seven Pi's, and when finished (no rush, I still have LaScalas which I love) the speakers will sit on the short wall corners. My concern is that I have two 4+ ft. high Salamander rack systems flanking my tv. Adding their width, they come out about 3-3 1/2 feet from the back wall. My question, is it practical to use cornerhorns in this type of set-up?

It seemed like a good idea at first to use cornerhorns because they don't eat up alot of space. But lately I've been thinking that with the above mentioned set-up there will be some degradation of imaging and soundstaging using cornerhorns that will be behind these rack systems. So now I'm leaning toward Ten-Pi's (same drivers) and I can position them so they're sitting a few inches ahead of the rack system (like my LaScalas). Is there anybody out there, that's using Seven-Pi's, that has a similar situation that they can comment on? I use the system 85% music (Paramours & Foreplay), 15% HT (Adcom HT pre-amp).

Also, for Wayne, there is a 6-8in. space between the rack system and the back wall. The space between the rack system and the side wall is about 42in. on both sides. The walls are drywall construction and they're solid (no breaks, cut-outs, etc) from floor to ceiling all around. You mention that for cornerhorns to operate properly there should be no obstructions for 4-6ft? on either side due to it's hornloading characteristics. Does the rack system, as I described above, constitute an obstruction by your definition? My feeling is that it is not. I'm only asking this because no one else has and I just want to be sure.

When you take into account the width of the Seven-Pi 18 cornerhorn, in your opinion, is the 42in. space enough separation between the speaker and rack system?

Wayne, I would really appreciate your take on my system set-up and whether you would recommend the Seven-Pi's or Ten-Pi's and what the pluses and minuses (none I hope) are with each.

And thanks for this forum Wayne. And thanks to all who contribute to it.

Gerry Provenzale

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