PiAlign RS1354?

First off thanks to Wayne and the others that have
been answering my questions. I would like to build
a Theater 4 Pi when I can afford the parts. In the
meantime I have a pair of Radio Shack 1354 drivers
on the shelf and some time to build a speaker. I
want to try a PiAlign'ed cabinet with a full range 1354
and a Motorola 1038 piezo for HF fill.

I'm using these parameters for the 1354:
Fs 51, Vas .5 ft3, Qts .46, Qms .537, Qes 3.46,
Pd 40W, Re 7, Diam. 4.75, Xmax 0.1 (??)

From PiAlign I got: Vol. .23ft3, Fr 46
From Box Plot: Alpha 2.2, H 0.9

The Box Plot alignment was: vol. .8ft3, Fr 44 Hz
Alpha .62, H .97

The Box Plot alignment Amplitude plot has -3dB at 40Hz
and a flat 0dB line from 60Hz up.

The Pi Alignment Amplitute plot has -3dB at 70 Hz
and a hump from 90-250Hz.

Some questions:
1) Am I entering things correctly?
Assuming this is correct
2) Why the differences in the 2 alignments? How
will the sound compare?
3) How are the cylindrical port sizes determined for
each alignment? This has got me confused.

Tia, Craig

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