In Reply to: Re: PiAlign RS1354? posted by Wayne Parham on January 02, 2002 at 19:53:19:
Thanks Wayne. I'm getting more comfortable using PiAlign
and BoxPlot. Here is an attempt at a port length calculator.From Loudspeaker Design by Vance Dickason
For a tubular vent flush-mounted on a speaker,
calculate the length by:Lv = ((1.463*(10**7)*(R**2)) / ((fB**2)*VB)) - (1.463*R)
Lv = length in inches
fB = tuning frequency in Hz
VB = box volume in cubic inches
R = radius of the vent in inches
My favorite calculator is the Python interpreter. A
Windows version is available at: wrote a function to calculate port length for me:
def portlen(diamInches,tuningFreq,boxVolCubFt):
radiusInches = diamInches / 2.0
cubInchConv = 12.0 * 12.0 * 12.0
boxVolCubInch = boxVolCubFt * cubInchConv
num = 1.463 * (radiusInches * radiusInches) * (10000000.0)
denom = (tuningFreq * tuningFreq) * boxVolCubInch
term1 = num / denom
term2 = 1.463 * radiusInches
len = term1 - term2
print 'calc port len diam.=',diamInches,'freq=',tuningFreq,'vol=',boxVolCubFt,'len=',len
return len
Example output:
calc port len diam.= 0.5 freq= 54.0 vol= 0.23 len= 0.423228647155
calc port len diam.= 0.75 freq= 54.0 vol= 0.23 len= 1.2265769561
calc port len diam.= 1.0 freq= 54.0 vol= 0.23 len= 2.42441458862
calc port len diam.= 1.5 freq= 54.0 vol= 0.23 len= 6.0035578244calc port len diam.= 2.0 freq= 46.0 vol= 1.0 len= 2.53815084366
calc port len diam.= 3.0 freq= 46.0 vol= 1.0 len= 6.80808939824
calc port len diam.= 4.0 freq= 46.0 vol= 1.0 len= 13.0786033746
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