Re: Compression units:- Eminence vs. B&C how do they compare?

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Posted by PaulW [ ] on February 11, 2008 at 07:57:21:

In Reply to: Re: Compression units:- Eminence vs. B&C how do they compare? posted by Matts on February 08, 2008 at 12:33:08:

Unfortunately, being UK based (even with the beneficial exchange rates) shipping costs make anything but the PCB's prohibitively expensive. At close to $2000 (for the stage 7 kit's I would like to build) by the time I've added import duty, tax and fees - Inland Revenue here consider the shipping costs as part of the total to be taxed! Price for UK sourced parts with the unstuffed PCB's about $1340 and that's using lower rated crossover components and no cabinet materials, hook-up wire, terminals..... I suppose its a testament to how much I'd like to give these a try that I'm even considering them at this price. I suspect the total build will equate to nearly $2000 and that buys some quite nice off the shelf speakers. But, if I go ahead (I have corners and I'd want to use them) it will be with the B&C units - I like my treble very smooth.



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