Re: Compression units:- Eminence vs. B&C how do they compare?

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Posted by Matts [ ] on February 08, 2008 at 12:33:08:

In Reply to: Compression units:- Eminence vs. B&C how do they compare? posted by PaulW on February 08, 2008 at 09:04:27:

the Eminence is one of the great values in audio- it gives a really nice sound for the price. However, the B &C is an even greater value, especially at the price Wayne sells them for (I just looked it up). I paid 50% more, on sale, and was still very satisfied, as it's very smooth, airy, little more extension, and incredible on jazz, classical, and vocals. For awhile I had a B & C in one and the Eminence in the other, and everyone who listened could tell the difference immediately and vastly preferred the B&C. At Wayne's price, I'd go for the B&C and don't look back.


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