Corner Horn Recommendations

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Posted by Spinjack [ ] on February 18, 2005 at 13:58:17:

The following is a message I posted in another forum. SOme of the people there suggested I post the question here to get some more information. Thanks.

Here it is:

I'm looking for recommendations on DIY corner horns. The room in question isn't very large (11.5' x 12', with 8' ceiling) so there isn't much room for speakers to be placed out away from the walls. As such, I figured that corner horns may be a good solution. So, any recommendations?

Size is still an issue, as the speakers can't protrude into the room very far. I like tight bass (not boomy), and good mid-range reporduction, and I'm not to worried about the high frequencies. I'm more interested in bass range and accuracy than outright bass levels. Basically, the highs and lows can roll off a bit (but not too much). I plan to build an active parametric equalizer to use as a room correction device anyway.

I listen to Rock, Jazz, and Classical so the design would have to be versatile. The speakers will be driven by a push-pull tube amp of about 12W that will be feed by a Foreplay linestage. CD source with a turntable to be added later.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


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