Re: Corner Horn Recommendations

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Posted by Wayne Parham [ ] on February 21, 2005 at 08:37:44:

In Reply to: Re: Corner Horn Recommendations posted by Spinjack on February 21, 2005 at 06:58:54:

I think the mention of 57Hz you are referring to was from my earlier reply to you. I mentioned 1/2 wave cancellation from two speakers, and that it would occur at 50Hz if the speakers were placed 12 feet apart and at 56Hz if placed 10 feet apart. This is the case no matter if the speakers are placed in corners or not. Effects from room boundaries are another issue entirely.

You can certainly use a pair of small speakers like two π's and add a single subwoofer, crossed at 60Hz. You might position them where nulls from cancellation are counteracted by the sub or by boundary reinforcement. It depends on what you want, what you expect and to what extent you are willing to go.

I suggest maybe you might try a pair of two π towers first. The kits are inexpensive and perform very well. The cabinets are easy to build. That will give you something to work with, and is at least a good starting point. You may find that's plenty for you, and decide you don't need to go any further. Two π tower's aren't cornerhorns, but they are nice speakers that sound good in rooms your size. You can listen to them a while and decide if you think you'll want a sub later.


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