
I saw an interesting idea recently, that removes the loudspeaker cabinet entirely.The idea was to use the beat frequency from two high frequency ultrasonic horns. Perhaps contained in the same horn flare - just two emitters. The idea was to project a reference frequency tone - say 100kHz, for example - and then to frequency modulate them with the audio signal. As I interpreted his idea, he proposed that one signal be a 100kHz reference tone and the other be the same 100kHz "carrier," but this one would be frequency modulated by the audio signal. I suppose it could also be done with one signal being 100kHz plus one-half the audio signal frequency and the other being 100kHz minus one-half the audio signal frequency. Either way, it's simple hetrodyning; We've been doing it for years in the IF sections of our radios. Cool idea. I wonder if it would have any ill-effects.

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