Glad our duet has become a trio, next an ensemble?

Thanks Wayne and R Hertz. I'm just an amateur so this dialogue has been helpful. I had a couple other things to raise but I couldn't get back in time to keep the thread live. I'll mention them and then I'm done.
I found the link about the French speaker making their enclosures out of the same kind of wood that guitars are made of and according to Harvey Rosenberg they get the job done surpassingly. The speakers are called Lutherie and here is the link:
I get what you're saying about reproduce versus produce but don't agree.
We listen to a violin and hear the complex sound waves produced by the body of the violin. We listen to a violin through a transducer and we hear a facsimile of complex sound waves produced by the emitting section of the transducing device. That section is not just the speaker driver, it includes the box that contains it. With speakers in free air all you hear is the raw driver and it's seriously lacking. Put it in a baffle and it sounds much better. Put it in a box and now you can tune the overall response and damp out the back wave and get much better sound (although some open box baffle-only devotees would argue). But the box is still going to radiate sound so wouldn't it be better to use a material which has acoustical characteristics more closely matched to the original source?
In my home we have 2 musicians, a piano, clarinet and flute. And we have our hifi close by so we've had some interesting comparisons; MDF boxes are dead sounding, plywood boxes are more listenable but coloured. Panel speakers are dynamically constricted but detailed and transparent. Solid laminated wood? I don't know. Maybe I'll try building my next speakers from that. But thick or thin? Hardwood or softwood? I'd sure like to hear comments from anyone that's tried different cabinet materials.
Thanks for starting this forum. The only way to advance the art is to experiment and these forums provide a way to report our experiences.

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