Re: Great Plains Audio Club Meeting

We did hook up your Decware amp to the two π's. Maybe you were busy with the brisket while we were listening, but the first thing we did was to connect the π's up to your amp. Only after that did we hook up the Paramours. Both amps sounded very good, with the differences being mainly that the Paramours were louder. They may have made a little more bass, but it was difficult to tell because it was louder. We could change the volume on your Decware amp but not on the Paramours until we wired in Mark's preamp. Another thing I noticed was that your Decware Select doesn't hum as much. The Paramours make a little bit of hum but your Decware amp was dead quiet.

At any rate, if you didn't get a good listen we'll definitely need to hook 'em up again for you.

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