Re: Great Plains Audio Club Meeting

Great write-up Wayne! Glad you got the pictures to work (I just got your emails this morning).

I'm glad everyone had a good time. It was a blast having everyone over and getting to hear everything. Wayne didn't spend much time talking about his system, and I know the folks on this BB know how good his speakers are, but I was really impressed by those little 2 Pi's. I was banging myself in the head when he left because I forgot to hook up my Zen to them (which was the main thing I wanted to do when we got this whole thing started!) and I can't wait to do that. On the Paramour's they were outstanding - wide soundstage, much deeper bass and just a beautiful presentation. I have grown accustomed to the mids and highs on my Fostex's, but I really wasn't missing bass until I heard Wayne's speakers in my house. Now I am.

I didn't even know Pi speakers existed until after I got my Fostex system. My whole philosophy was no crossover, full-range when I was setting up my system and I really love the current implementation, but I am pretty sure that I will build a set of Wayne's speakers sometime soon. If the Zen can drive the 7 Pi's I would love to try those, but I'll probably end up doing one with a "friendlier" load (the Zen cranks out about 1.8 watts). I feel fortunate to have met Wayne and hope to learn more from him about speakers.

Great meeting everyone and can't wait until the next meeting! Phil.

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