I am so happy that they caught that spoiled arrogant little cocksucker responsible for the 32Blast Worm. He took a week out of my life.
You can't stay online long enuf' to get a cure and then a friend gives me a floppy, (remember those?) and my "A" drive won't work! Must have atrophied. Luckily, Staples 'only' charges $7.50 to burn a CD from your floppy. Kinda like selling $1.00 jugs of water for 10 bucks to disaster survivors. Oh yeah, the local 'puter shop which has seen my steady business wanted $40 to install the fix that's a free download from Symantec. Rat bastards!
But I did find a foundling at my door during the hiatus: a pair of Martinelli Horns! Bill says they're castoffs; I say they're gorgeous.
Don't know yet about the "Kraut" drivers. A little hot, Bill? BS&T never made my Molars ache before. I just now put down the iron after fastening 'gators to some 8 ohm resistors to pad them down a bit. They're glorious thru the mids, tho. Much cleaner and smoother than the whatever JBL's in the 3677s....2418 I think?
Why is it every time I think I'm there,(Altec 811's) somebody like Martinelli moves it?
Oh yeah. Is everyone as knocked out about the new Twin Towers Lord of The Ring DVD as me? Fantastic. Effects, cinematography, screenplay adaptation, wonderful. And the soundtrack! Those Nazgul lizard things.........WUMPPPP......WUMPPPPP.....WUMPPPP
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