In Reply to: What he said!!! posted by BillEpstein on September 01, 2003 at 15:45:28:
Maybe you could make a handful of cable assemblies with different filter functions, try each of them to see which one works best. For example, you could have a "flat 10dB" cable for the Altec (16 ohm) driver and a "flat 10dB" cable for the BMS (8 ohm). Then you could also have a top-octave compensation cable for each. And maybe one in between.I think you'll find that the cable assemblies without top-octave augmentation sound best on things like ribbon and dome tweeters, and from what you and Martinelli are saying, this may also be the case for the BMS tweeters. The π cable assemblies will sound best for Eminence, Altec and JBL compression drivers on CD horns. And something in between sounds best on Altec sectional horns - Something like a π cable assembly with C1 reduced or removed.
I think this may be what you'll find with the BMS drivers too. It will probably be something in between the flat response provided by a straight padded cable and the rising response provided by the π cable assembly. There are any number of suitable networks that will provide response in between these two, so that's where tools like Spice become useful.
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