Re: Adjusting the capacitor value on the tweeter attenuator

Well, I pulled the tweeter compensation out of the speaker to examine. I noticed something odd though. There should be 2 values of resistors right? 16ohm and either 20 or 30ohm right? Well one (I didnt check the other) has one 20 ohm resistor, one 30ohm, and four 16 ohms (Im using the 12dB attenuator). I thought there should only be 2 resistor values?

I also notice that I get around a 2dB more of output in the ~2500hz range when I substitute the .47mfd for a 4.0mfd capacitor in the tweeter attenuator, but again, no audible or measureable difference when I use a .47 or .33 compared to the circuit being open.

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