Re: Adjusting the capacitor value on the tweeter attenuator

You're right that parallel connections for capacitors add their values, so having 0.33uF and 0.47uF connected in this way gives you 0.8uF in-circuit. I'm not sure the Radio Shack meter would be very accurate above 10kHz, but I'm not surprised it would show a little more on the scale when the caps were connected in parallel.

You might try the 15dB circuit and see if it is more to your liking, and you can always manipulate the values of R1, R2 and C1. But I personally wouldn't want to use much bypass capacitance with higher-value attenuators. Once you get past 10dB or so, I don't like bypassing as much of the attenuation in the top octave with PSD2002's, because they already have pretty strong output above 10kHz.

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