Re: 'Flight of the Cosmic Hippo' ... I gotta try that

I hope you enjoy that passage. I do have to warn you that it's kind of weird bluegrass-jazz, and Bela Fleck plays the banjo. Not for the faint of heart- it's NPR music, LOL.
The tweeter output is above what I consider midrange as well. But padding that output down a bit allowed me to hear more of the lower frequencies. I can't explain it very well, and it sounds like we may be talking about different aspects of the sound. But also to put this in perspective, I use 300B amps and a highly modified forplay preamp.
I have no idea how good or sensitive my hearing is. Probably lousy, since I've been riding motorcycles for 25 years. At least I wear earplugs nowdays. Well, not when I'm listening to music...


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